General Information
Peter Pan Preschool offers a play-based Emergent Program where all children are seen as competent and capable. Although we often follow the lead of the child in terms of interests and activities, we also have a Cooking Program, Martial Arts Program, Music Program & Yoga Program.
We have a wonderful outdoor classroom where the children explore, learn and run. The outdoor classroom is used during all seasons with the exception of some of the winter days that are -10 degrees or less. We also have access to an indoor gym on those days that we are unable to run, jump and frolic outside. While in the indoor classroom the children are offered a variety of materials and activities to expand their curiousity and encourage their creativity. Some activities include painting, gluing, cutting, playdough, and water play only to mention a few.
The children will have access to activities designed to develop certain skills while still keeping the children engaged in their learning and play. We give the children the opportunity to develop their language, social and emotional, physical and cognitive skills using our open-ended materials. Our program will invite children to investigate, imagine, think, create, solve problems and make meaning from their experiences.
We try to give the children long periods of uninterupted play with few transitions in order for us to focus more fully on observing, interacting, and extending children's learning and development.
Journal Books for Documentation
Each child will have their own journal book, we will put alot of the creative works into the book. We also include picture collages and documentation of the growth and explorations your child has been a part of while in the classroom. The journal books become a journey of your child's year at Peter Pan Preschool and will be given to parents on graduation day.
Throughout the classroom we also display the children's artwork, pictures and documentational journeys. The educators are pedagogical leaders who help to become researchers who watch and
listen to children with delight and curiosity, noticing the details of children’s play and conversation in
order to plan and program responsively.
The preschool class will go on one trip per month.
Trips give children opportunities to expericence nature and our community enhancing the children's sense of wonder and joy in the world around them. Connecting them to the world contributes to the children's mental, physical,emotional, spiritual health and well-being.
Our mode of transportation will either be the city bus, or parents will drive their child to the specified location.
Throughout the year we visit Terryberry Library, Home Depot, Soccer World, Dyments Farm & Pumpking Patch, Royal Botanical Gardens, Twin Valley Petting Zoo, the Hamilton Art Gallery, the Children's International Learning Centre, and Dundas Driving Park
We often gather together to sing songs, play a game, do a science experiment or listen to a story.