

  • by Brandi Marcy

  • 10/9/2017


At Peter Pan Co-operative Preschool we emphasize the importance of belonging.  We believe that when the children build quality relationships with their teachers and peers they will have a sense of belonging within their classroom.  

Here are some of the other ways that Peter Pan develops a sense of Belonging in the school:

  • We are developing a "Family Tree" so that the children can see themselves and families represented within the classroom.  We have asked all of the parents to bring in a family photo for us to place on our classroom "Family Tree".
  • Our dramatic play area was developed to represent a kitchen that the children would have at home.  The shelves have dishes and dry goods; the fridge has fruits, veggies and dairy.  We are always looking for donations from families of clean empty food containers that would represent things that their children would eat at home.
  • Around the classroom their are a variety of toys and activities offered so that all of the children's interests are being met.  As children indicate an interest that is not represented in the classroom our staff is happy to bring out materials from our storage closet that will meet their needs.
  • The Co-operative Preschool model allows for family involvement in many aspects of the school.  Whether you are participating within the classroom on a duty day, supplying playdough for the classroom, or joining us on field trips we always encourage family involvement.